Mar 23, 2012


Fotoshop, by Adobé

You may have seen it before, but when someone assembles a new modern take on acknowledging Photoshop's clear affect on the fashion industry, it's always an interesting view to remind others how often it really happens. Which is a lot. And think first what you would consider to be "a lot" and then double that several times over and you start to get closer to how often it happens. It is not solely human retouching either, often environmental 'fixes' happen more than one would believe.

Ironically some actually believed 'Fotoshop by Adobé' to be a real makeup product when he first published this video (yes, clearly he used more than just photoshop for it), and they even contacted him about ordering it.

But it might also alert you how easy it is becoming to 'tweak/refine' video work now as well. How long before it's art imitating life imitating art? Perhaps we've been there all along, and what's been sacrificed in the process? A lot.

Mar 12, 2012

In Case You Were Wondering...

As with any art and design medium, opinions are subjective, though we always prefer 'objective' and sometimes the dialogue can get more serious than the "You Are Not a Photographer" comic commentary. There can be additional levels of discussion with catchy titles to get your attention.

Even Professionals Make Mistakes eh?

So what happens when you use your competitor's product to make a commercial for your own product? A lot of social media commentary.

(and in case the link above doesn't work, copy/paste this one:

I love my Nikon, but that was...silly.